France (2022)


In a sluggish economic environment, Stallergenes Greer continued to make strides in the French allergen immunotherapy (AIT) market with impactful innovations dedicated to improving treatment outcomes for patients with allergies.

Orylmyte®, an additional treatment option for house dust mite allergies

It is estimated that one third of the French population suffers from allergies and that more than half of allergy sufferers are sensitised to house dust mites1; house dust mites are one of the main causes of allergic rhinitis2.

Launched on the French market at yearend 2022, our Orylmyte® sublingual tablet is the only house dust mite AIT tablet with dose escalation. It is composed of standardised allergenic extracts of house dust mites identical to our named patient products (NPPs), which benefit from more than 30 years of experience in treating young and adult patients with house dust mite allergies. Orylmyte® allows a gradual dose increase, acts from the first months of treatment and has demonstrated effcacy on allergic rhinitis symptoms and improves quality of life.

Stallergenes Greer is in a position to offer a franchise of liquid and solid formulations, with the same allergenic extracts, to treat house dust mite and grass allergies with Orylmyte®, Staloral® house dust mite, Oralair® and Staloral® 5 Grasses.

iPUMP: innovation at the heart of our R&D

Because non-adherence to treatment remains a challenge in AIT management, our teams, in partnership with Aptar Pharma, developed iPUMP, a connected system in AIT. This connected system was developed to improve observance, thus improving the patient journey and optimising treatment outcomes.

This innovation further illustrates Stallergenes Greer’s commitment to build on precision medicine and personalised healthcare to meet the needs of both patients and the medical community. It is also a demonstration of the ability of our teams to bring new products to market and continuously develop their skills and expertise in areas such as innovation, product development, quality, and safety for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Staloral® Cat 300IR, committed to fulfilling unmet medical needs

Allergic rhinitis attributable to cat dander has been increasing steadily with 30.5% of patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis sensitised to cat dander3. The allergen is found throughout the house (bedding, rugs, and carpets), is present in the air and can also be carried by clothing and shoes. Cat dander can be found in signifi cant quantities even in a place where no cats live, such as a classroom. When allergy to cat dander is diagnosed, first-line treatment consists of eviction measures, however, this is rarely feasible considering the pervasiveness of this allergen.

Bringing new treatment solutions for these patients has been a priority for Stallergenes Greer and since its launch, Staloral® Cat 300IR has posted strong and steadily increasing sales. This performance confirms that this patient segment is largely underserved and contributes to confi rming an unmet medical need in the fi eld of allergies to cat dander.

EfficAPSI, real-world studies deliver public health value

In 2022, Stallergenes Greer published positive results from its EfficAPSI real-world study which confirmed the signifi cant benefit of sublingual liquid AIT treatment on the onset and worsening of asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis. Study results were consistent across all age groups (patients above the age of 5), allergens and endpoints.

EfficAPSI is the first study in the AIT fi eld in which the French national system database (SNDS), covering 99% of the French population, has been used to gain insight on therapeutic benefi ts in real life practice by pairing their data with the data of a healthcare company. More than 400,000 patients were included in the study, the largest of its kind to date.

Patient support services, progressing our digital transformation

In 2022, the French affliate continued to move forward on its digital transformation. Important steps were taken regarding the digitalisation of patient services notably customer relationship management (CRM) for NPP prescriptions. By handling prescriptions digitally, from start to finish, we optimise the use of paper and printing, improve processing lead time, and gain better control of the process flow. The upgraded CRM tool allows patient service teams to rapidly visualise the information necessary to exchange with patients and answer any questions they may have regarding their treatment, while ensuring compliance with quality requirements, pharmaceutical regulations, controls Orylmyte®, an additional and data protection.


Supporting RNSA: contributing to improving care pathways

Stallergenes Greer continues to work alongside patient associations and organisations to increase awareness about respiratory allergies. We recently unveiled a study carried out with RNSA, the French national aerobiology network in charge of the analysis of the content of biological particles, on the evolution of pollen data over a 10-year period. The study highlights both the variability of seasons which affects the symptomatology of allergy sufferers either earlier or later in the seasons, and an increase in pollen counts. Observations suggest that climate change has an impact on the allergenic potential of pollens and on the duration of symptoms. The dissemination of the data collected by RNSA will help healthcare professionals correlate allergy symptoms to the pollination of the various triggering allergens and better manage their allergic patients.


1. Rancé F, Juchet A, Brémont F, Dutau G. Répartition des sensibilisations dans l’asthme de l’enfant en fonction de l’âge. Corrélations avec les données cliniques et fonctionnelles respiratoires. Rev Fr Allergol Immunol Clin. 1997;37(2):160–166 - 2. Bousquet J, Khaltaev N, Cruz A, et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) 2008 update (in collaboration with the World Health Organization, GA(2)LEN and AllerGen). Allergy. 2008 Apr; 63 Suppl 86:8-160. - Brozek JL, Bousquet J, Agache I, et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Guidelines - 3. ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety). State of knowledge on the health impact of exposure of the general population to pollens in ambient air. Collective expertise report. January 2014