The construction of our corporate responsibility programme began in 2021 with a maturity assessment regarding the status of the Group’s approach towards social, societal, environmental, and governance issues as defi ned by ISO 26000 and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More than 11 hours of interviews and 90 questionnaires, covering the 35 corporate responsibility challenges, were studied. The methodology used by Stallergenes Greer, derived from the LUCIE 26000 and AFNOR (AFAQ 26000) frames of reference, allowed us to establish that the Group’s contribution to these challenges was positive.

In 2022, Stallergenes Greer then conducted a materiality analysis to identify and prioritise the corporate responsibility challenges that it will face up to 2030. This analysis combines the vision of internal stakeholders, with the vision of external stakeholders to identify material issues on which the Group should focus its efforts.

The materiality matrix, developed in compliance with the recommendations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IR Framework), guides our policy regarding corporate responsibility initiatives.

The first step in the process was the identification of 35 challenges which Stallergenes Greer faces as a pharmaceutical company. Sources such as the guiding principles of GRI-4, the 10 principles of the Global Compact, the 15 guiding principles of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), the 17 SDGs, the seven central issues covered by ISO 26000, as well as challenges specific to the pharmaceutical sector and regulations in progress regarding non-financial indicators were consulted to establish this list.

The construction of Stallergenes Greer’s corporate responsibility programme involved senior management, executives and external stakeholders who engaged in a series of workshops, online questionnaires, and interviews regarding the 35 challenges identified.

Close to 200 people were consulted in the process and 24 hours of interviews were held to gather and share the expectations of employees, patients, healthcare professionals and public authorities.

The significance of each issue was then assembled on a materiality matrix according to the level of expectation of our stakeholders. The matrix was subsequently refined during a workshop with representatives of Stallergenes Greer’s main functions.

This process and the data collected enabled Stallergenes Greer to produce its materiality matrix while collecting valuable qualitative information concerning the perception that its stakeholders have of the Group’s current corporate responsibility commitments and future challenges.


Close to 200 people were consulted in the process and 24 hours of interviews were held to gather and share the expectations of employees, patients, healthcare professionals and public authorities.



Through Care Beyond Allergy, Stallergenes Greer participates in the global effort to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as set out in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Group’s corporate responsibility programme more specifically targets 11 of the United Nations’ SDGs: