Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is intended for users of the website (hereinafter the “SITE”), namely, any person who accesses and browses the SITE, and in particular Users registered on the SITE or visitors to the website.

To improve your browsing experience on our SITE, we use so-called “technical” and “functional” cookies placed on your device.

We also use cookies intended to analyse the audience of our SITE.
Also, some functionalities on our SITE (sharing content on social media, direct video playback) place cookies on your device, particularly allowing third-party sites to track your browsing session. 

Lastly, third-party partners may also place cookies on your device to enable us to send you targeted advertising based on your interests and preferences.


You can learn about the types of cookies and accept or refuse them, either globally for the entire site and all the services, or service by service.

Learn more about cookies, how they work and how to reject them


A cookie is a small text file placed on the hard drive of your device during your visit to a website.
It records some information about your browsing or online behaviour.


The cookies used on our website are used to recognise you so as to improve your browsing experience and the services we offer you.

In practice, technical cookies enable us to sign you in, to identify you and to speed up your browsing and access to the various functionalities of the SITE.

Other audience analysis cookies and trackers can be used to compile audience statistics on our site, in order to improve and offer you ever more comfort in visiting our SITE, and to offer you adverts and promotional offers targeted according to your browsing habits.


- Internal cookies required for the proper functioning of the site

These cookies enable our site to function optimally and to improve your browsing experience. 

Name of cookie

Purpose of cookie



Hides the consent banner on the use of cookies

1 month


Allows you to change language on multi-language pages



Tells your preference on Google analytics



Tells the website if the user's browser uses javascript



Business Wire session cookie on the “News” page


Player, vuid

“VIMEO” video playback cookies

 13 months

You can reject them and delete them using your browser settings. However, your user experience may be impaired.

- Audience analysis cookies

In order to adapt our SITE to your needs and requirements, we monitor the number of visits, the number of pages viewed, your activity on our site and your return frequency, using the Google Analytics tool

The Google Analytics tool we use generates cookies as described on official Google website:

Name of cookie

Purpose of cookie



Used to quantify the number of unique visitors to our site

 13 months


Used to store and update a unique value for each page visited on our site

1 day


Used to limit the level of demand and data collection on high-traffic sites

1 minute

Google Analytics                Allow        Reject

Find out more


In any event, cookies stored on your device or any other element used to identify you for the purposes of audience or advertising statistics will have a limited lifespan of a maximum of 13 months, this period not being automatically extended in the course of your new visits to the SITE. 

Beyond that, the raw traffic data associated with an ID are either deleted or anonymised.


In accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access (Article 15 GDPR), rectification (Article 16 GDPR), updating and completeness of your data (Find out more)
  • Right to block or erase your personal data (Article 17 GDPR), when it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, obsolete, or when its collection, use, communication or retention is prohibited (Find out more)
  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time (Article 13-2c GDPR)
  • Right to restrict the processing of your data (Article 18 GDPR
  • Right to object to the processing of your data (Article 21 GDPR) (Find out more
  • Right to portability of the data that you have provided to us, where your data is subject to automated processing based on your consent or on a contract (Article 20 GDPR)
  • Right to define the fate of your data after your death and to choose whether or not we communicate your data to a third party you have previously designated (Find out more). 

In the event of death and in the absence of instructions from you, we undertake to destroy your data, unless it is necessary for probationary purposes or to fulfil a legal obligation.

You may exercise your rights by using one of the following means:
- Email: 
- Post: STALLERGENES SAS - 6 rue Alexis de Tocqueville - 92 160 Antony, France

In addition, web browser permitting, you can disable these cookies at any time by referring to the procedures detailed above.

Last updated on: 19/09/2024