Stallergenes Greer Foundation

The Stallergenes Greer Foundation’s mission is to “Create healthier futures for all”. The foundation pursues a comprehensive approach calling for “the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for people, animals and our environment”, as defined by the One Health initiative. Placed under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the Stallergenes Greer Foundation carries out its actions in full transparency and in respect with its ethical commitments to the Fondation de France.
Focus areas
The Stallergenes Greer Foundation focuses on three key areas:
Advancing scientific research to bolster innovation and precision medicine
By focusing on scientific innovation and research, the Stallergenes Greer Foundation aims to support the scientific community in furthering allergology research to discover and develop novel solutions for people with allergic diseases.
Supporting academic initiatives to further develop future generations of allergy healthcare professionals
Because the future of allergology is being prepared today, the Stallergenes Greer Foundation encourages and supports the emergence of innovative academic projects.
Engaging in climate action and environmental protection to progress the prevention and treatment of allergies
Because the quality of the air we breathe has significant consequences on our health and can exacerbate chronic respiratory diseases1, the Stallergenes Greer Foundation is committed to raising awareness about climate change and environmental protection for the benefit of populations around the globe.
The Stallergenes Greer Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees which brings together the Managing Board and the Scientific Board.
Managing Board
The Managing Board is composed of four Stallergenes Greer executive officers:
Michele Antonelli, Chairman of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation; Amer Jaber, Scientific Director Stallergenes Greer Foundation; Catherine Kress, Secretary General of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation; Dominique Pezziardi, Strategy Director of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation
Scientific Board
The Scientific Board is composed of four independent members:
Pascal Demoly, Professor of Pulmonology and Head of Department at the University Hospital of Montpellier (France); Alessandro Fiocchi, MD, Director of Allergy at Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, Vatican City (Italy); Carla Irani, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology, Allergology - Immunological Asthma at Hôtel Dieu de France University Medical Center, Beirut (Lebanon); Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, Chair of the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston (MA, U.S.A.)
Science awards for allergy
The foundation established the Stallergenes Greer Foundation Science Awards for Allergy which recognise outstanding contributions to allergy research and environmental health initiatives and allocate up to €150,000 to support these efforts.
The winners of the 2023 edition were announced in May.
Innovation Awards
Rising Talent Category
Assoc. Prof. Jennifer Koplin, Group Leader, Childhood Allergy & Epidemiology, Child Health Resarch Centre, The University of Queensland, Australia, recognised for her research: “Association between earlier introduction of peanut and prevalence of peanut allergy in infants in Australia”.
Assoc. Prof. Rachel Peters, Principal Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia, recognised for her research: “Multiple food allergy phenotypes in infancy are associated with lung function deficits and asthma at 6 years of age: a prospective cohort study in Australia”.
Mid-Career Scientist Category
Assoc. Prof. Jenny Hallgren Martinsson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology Uppsala University, Sweden, recognised for her research: “Circulating mast cell progenitors increase during natural birch pollen exposure in allergic asthma patients”.
Dr Luciana Kase Tanno, Researcher, University Hospital of Montpellier, France, recognised for her research: “Changing the history of anaphylaxis mortality statistics through the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases 11”.
Environmental Health Award
Dr Dorra Gharbi, Post doctoral research fellow, Allergology and Immunology Unit, Lung Institute University of Cape Town, South Africa, recognised for her research: “Allergenic tree pollen in Johannesburg and Cape Town as a public health risk: Towards a sustainable implementation framework for South African cities”.
1. D’Amato G, Liccardi G, D’Amato M, Cazzola M. The role of outdoor air pollution and climatic changes on the rising trends in respiratory allergy. Respir Med. 2001 Jul;95(7):606-11.
About Fondation de France
Created in 1969, Fondation de France is a private organisation recognised of public interest, whose mission is to support all forms of generosity to translate them into effective actions of general interest. With close to 1,000 hosted foundations, Fondation de France supports more than 10,000 promising and innovative initiatives in France and abroad each year. Fondation de France is independent and private and operates thanks to the generosity of donors.
The mission of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation is testimony to our commitment to global health. Allergic diseases impose a considerable burden on patients, health systems and society and we believe that the foundation has a key role to play in driving innovation in the field of allergy. With the Science Awards for Allergy, the foundation, together with its grant recipients, is committed to advancing allergy research for the benefit of populations across the globe.”
Secretary General of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation